Bob Sherlock

Picture of Bob Sherlock
Bob Sherlock often works with companies serving business markets that face one of two challenges: · An innovative offering that isn’t ramping up sales fast enough · Getting squeezed on price Bob solves those problems by helping clients find their Hidden Value, message it so that prospects perceive that value, and pricing to get paid for it. As a result, his clients can grow sales and margins at the same time. Bob’s experience includes consulting at Marketwerks and The ProAction Group, and founding and running a venture-funded logistics service provider operating a network of automated, unmanned delivery drop points. Earlier, Sherlock was CMO for Wickes Inc., a distributor and retailer of building materials.
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Forecasting the Best Impact on Your Marketing Dollars

Forecasting the Best Impact on Your Marketing Dollars

Thu, Feb 8, 2024 | Posted by Robin Liebowitz

With the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaching, Americans are once again keenly interested in predicting outcomes. Techniques for forecasting election results using punch cards and early computers were developed in the late 1960s. Today, the use of AI has significantly improved our ability to predict election results and tabulate them accurately. Interestingly, the principles of forecasting elections and projecting the impact of marketing dollars in the business world share some similarities.

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