Sajal Sahay

Picture of Sajal Sahay
With 30 years of product marketing, product management, branding, demand generation and executive management experience, Sajal leverages product, distribution, and competitive industry analyses to grow revenue. Drawing on his leadership experience at both large public companies and start-ups world-wide, he orients products and product portfolios to actual demand while maximizing margin. Designing marketing plans, product portfolios, content marketing strategies, and unique value propositions he quickly builds value, thought leadership, and brand presence to accelerate company valuations.
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Forecasting the Best Impact on Your Marketing Dollars

Forecasting the Best Impact on Your Marketing Dollars

Thu, Feb 8, 2024 | Posted by Robin Liebowitz

With the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaching, Americans are once again keenly interested in predicting outcomes. Techniques for forecasting election results using punch cards and early computers were developed in the late 1960s. Today, the use of AI has significantly improved our ability to predict election results and tabulate them accurately. Interestingly, the principles of forecasting elections and projecting the impact of marketing dollars in the business world share some similarities.

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